At Community Kitchen, our mission is to work alone and in collaboration with others TO ELIMINATE HUNGER in Monroe County and surrounding areas through direct service, education and advocacy.
How We Serve
Meal Service
Warm, nutritious meals are served on site to anyone in need. No fees or eligibility requirements. Cold carryout meals are also available.
Our programs serve economically disadvantaged children and adults, medical patients and seniors, with on-site meals, take-home meals, and meal deliveries.
We rely on the support of so many volunteers! A variety of tasks and roles are available and we welcome assistance of all ages 10 and up.
Current Needs:
Canned fruits & vegetables
Canned or pouch tuna or chicken
Fruit cups or dried fruits
Peanut butter
Pasta or rice meal builders or helpers
Mac & cheese
Small bread mixes
Snack crackers
Granola or cereal bars
Boxes of cereal
Instant oatmeal
Salad dressing
Food donations are always welcome at
1515 S Rogers St Mon-Fri from 8am-6:30pm and Sat from 11am-6:30pm!
Donate Here
We so appreciate your ongoing support!