About Us

Our philosophy states that Community Kitchen provides free nutritious meals, nutrition education, referrals to other agencies, and a clean, comfortable social environment for patrons, staff and volunteers.

Through daily operations and educational outreach, Community Kitchen works to educate the public about the extent of hunger in Monroe County, explain probable causes of hunger, and provide ways to respond to hunger needs.

The agency's ultimate goal is for individuals to achieve regular access to an adequate diet through normal means. A soup kitchen is not considered "normal" means, but rather a "safety net" for people who have not yet achieved food security on their own.



Services offered by Community Kitchen of Monroe County are available to everyone.
There are no eligibility requirements.

However, as the agency seeks to expand its services, it will target certain populations including the low-income working class, the underemployed or unemployed, individuals with disabilities, individuals experiencing homelessness, pregnant or nursing mothers, chronically ill individuals, and at-risk children.

The dignity and worth of all patrons will be respected at Community Kitchen
and an ongoing effort to protect their anonymity will be observed.

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  • Programs

    To find out more about our programs, visit our Programs page.

  • History

    Community Kitchen was founded in 1983. Learn more here.

  • Community Partners

    So many people and agencies make our mission possible!

Board of Directors


Kyla Cox Deckard, President

Valeri Haughton-Motley, Vice President

Brandy Aird, Secretary

Jim Becker, Treasurer

Chantel Adcock, Sergeant at Arms

Andrea Armstrong

Brigette Burns

Summer Boyd

Tarah Cromer

Harrison Damm

Seth Elgar

Laurie Eynon

Lizzy Gentry

Annie Miller

Marty Schick

Carol Scholl

Jeff Watson

Learn more about Serving on the Board of Directors

Contact Our Staff


June Taylor, Volunteer Coordinator: june@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Vicki Pierce, Executive Director: director@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Tim Clougher, Assistant Director: assistantdirector@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Kimberly Goy, Development Manager: kgoy@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Jason Cook, Operations Manager: jason@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Amy Dyken, Bookkeeper: amy@monroecommunitykitchen.com

, Referral Specialist:

Allyona Shamley, Backpack Buddies Coordinator: ashamley123@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Heather Craig, Kitchen Supervisor: heather@monroecommunitykitchen.com

Amanda Self, Annie Mulcahy, Dining Room Monitors

Allie Burton, Jessica Spoolstra, Heaven Williams & Madoo Nair, Food Truck Drivers

Kitchen Staff:
Grant Ward, Mercedes Francois, Asher Nottingham, Madoo Nair, Reba Clapp

Employment Application

Community Kitchen of Monroe County is tax exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal
Revenue Code and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.